
Saturday, February 27, 2021

Weekly Platform News: Reduced Motion, CORS, WhiteHouse.gov, popups, and 100vw

In this week’s roundup, we highlight a proposal for a new <popup> element, check the use of prefers-reduced-motion on award-winning sites, learn how to opt into cross-origin isolation, see how WhiteHouse.gov approaches accessibility, and warn the dangers of 100vh.

Let’s get into the news!

The new HTML <popup> element is in development

On January 21, Melanie Richards from the Microsoft Edge web platform team posted an explainer for a proposed HTML <popup> element (the name is not final). A few hours later, Mason Freed from Google announced an intent to prototype this element in the Blink browser engine. Work on the implementation is taking place in Chromium issue #1168738.

A popup is a temporary (transient) and “light-dismissable” UI element that is displayed on the the “top layer” of all other elements. The goal for the <popup> element is to be fully stylable and accessible by default. A <popup> can be anchored to an activating element, such as a button, but it can also be a standalone element that is displayed on page load (e.g., a teaching UI).

Two use cases showing a white action menu with four gray menu links below a blue menu button, and another example of a blog button with a large dark blue tooltip beneath it with two paragraphs of text in white.

A <popup> is automatically hidden when the user presses the Esc key or moves focus to a different element (this is called a light dismissal). Unlike the <dialog> element, only one <popup> can be shown at a time, and unlike the deprecated <menu> element, a <popup> can contain arbitrary content, including interactive elements:

We imagine <popup> as being useful for various different types of popover UI. We’ve chosen to use an action menu as a primary example, but folks use popup-esque patterns for many different types of content.

Award-winning websites should honor the “reduce motion” preference

Earlier this week, AWWWARDS announced the winners of their annual awards for the best websites of 2020. The following websites were awarded:

All these websites are highly dynamic and show full-screen motion on load and during scroll. Unfortunately, such animations can cause dizziness and nausea in people with vestibular disorders. Websites are therefore advised to reduce or turn off non-essential animations via the prefers-reduced-motion media query, which evaluates to true for people who have expressed their preference for reduced motion (e.g., the “Reduce motion” option on Apple’s platforms). None of the winning websites do this.

/* (code from animal-crossing.com) */
@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
  .main-header__scene {
    animation: none;

An example of a website that does this correctly is the official site of last year’s Animal Crossing game. Not only does the website honor the user’s preference via prefers-reduced-motion, but it also provides its own “Reduce motion” toggle button at the very top of the page.

Screenshot of the animal crossing game website that is bright with a solid green header above a gold ribbon that displays menu items. Below is the main banner showing a still of the animated game with a wooden welcome to Animal Crossing sign in the foreground.

(via Eric Bailey)

Websites can now opt into cross-origin isolation

Cross-origin isolation is part of a “long-term security improvement.” Websites can opt into cross-origin isolation by adding the following two HTTP response headers, which are already supported in Chrome and Firefox:

Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp
Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin

A cross-origin-isolated page relinquishes its ability to load content from other origins without their explicit opt-in (via CORS headers), and in return, the page gains access to some powerful APIs, such as SharedArrayBuffer.

if (crossOriginIsolated) {
  // post SharedArrayBuffer
} else {
  // do something else

The White House recommits to accessibility

The new WhiteHouse.gov website of the Biden administration was built from scratch in just six weeks with accessibility as a top priority (“accessibility was top of mind”). Microsoft’s chief accessibility officer reviewed the site and gave it the thumbs up.

The website’s accessibility statement (linked from the site’s footer) declares a “commitment to accessibility” and directly references the latest version of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, WCAG 2.1 (2018). This is notable because federal agencies in the USA are only required to comply with WCAG 2.0 (2008).

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines are the most widely accepted standards for internet accessibility. … By referencing WCAG 2.1 (the latest version of the guidelines), the Biden administration may be indicating a broader acceptance of the WCAG model.

The CSS 100vw value can cause a useless horizontal scrollbar

On Windows, when a web page has a vertical scrollbar, that scrollbar consumes space and reduces the width of the page’s <html> element; this is called a classic scrollbar. The same is not the case on macOS, which uses overlay scrollbars instead of classic scrollbars; a vertical overlay scrollbar does not affect the width of the <html> element.

macOS users can switch from overlay scrollbars to classic scrollbars by setting “Show scroll bars” to ”Always” in System preferences > General.

The CSS length value 100vw is equal to the width of the <html> element. However, if a classic vertical scrollbar is added to the page, the <html> element becomes narrower (as explained above), but 100vw stays the same. In other words, 100vw is wider than the page when a classic vertical scrollbar is present.

This can be a problem for web developers on macOS who use 100vw but are unaware of its peculiarity. For example, a website might set width: 100vw on its article header to make it full-width, but this will cause a useless horizontal scrollbar on Windows that some of the site’s visitors may find annoying.

Screenshot of an article on a white background with a large black post title, post date and red tag links above a paragraph of black text. A scrollbar is displayed on the right with two large red arrows illustrating the page width, which is larger than the 100 viewport width unit.

Web developers on macOS can switch to classic scrollbars to make sure that overflow bugs caused by 100vw don’t slip under their radar. In the meantime, I have asked the CSS Working Group for comment.

The post Weekly Platform News: Reduced Motion, CORS, WhiteHouse.gov, popups, and 100vw appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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source https://css-tricks.com/weekly-platform-news-reduced-motion-cors-whitehouse-gov-popups-and-100vw/

The Things I Add to Tailwind CSS Right Out of the Box

In every project where I use Tailwind CSS, I end up adding something to it. Some of these things I add in every single project. I’ll share these with you, but I’m also curious what y’all are adding to your tailwind.css files.

I’ll start with myself. In each project:

  • I define -webkit-tap-highlight-color.
  • I add a bottom padding set to env(safe-area-inset-bottom).
  • I dress up unordered lists with interpuncts.

Allow me to elaborate on all three.


Android highlights taps on links. I’m not a fan because it obscures the element, so I turn it off for a nicer experience.

@layer base {
  html {
    -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;

@layer is a Tailwind directive. It helps avoid specificity issues by telling Tailwind which “bucket” contains a set of custom styles. It’s like pretending the cascade doesn’t exist, so there’s less to worry about when it comes to ordering CSS.

Simply removing the tap highlight color might trigger an accessibility issue since that hides an interactive cue. So, if you go this route, it’s probably a good idea (and I’m still looking for research on this if you have it) to enable :active to define provide some response to those actions. Chris has a snippet for that.


This utility class handles the bottom bar on newer iPhones without the “Home” button. Without it, some elements can fall under the bar, making them unreadable and tough to tap.

@layer utilities {
  .pb-safe {
    padding-bottom: env(safe-area-inset-bottom);


I love using interpuncts with unordered lists. I won’t penalize you for looking that up. We’re basically talking about the bullet points in unordered lists. Tailwind removes them by default via Normalize. I smuggle interpuncts into each and every one of my projects.

Here’s how I go about it:

@layer utilities {
  .list-interpunct > li::before {
    content: '・';
    display: inline-block;
    float: left;
    margin: 0 0 0 -0.9em;
    width: 0.9em;

  @media (min-width: 992px) {
   .list-interpunct > li::before {
      margin: 0 0 0 -1.5em;
      width: 1.5em;

We also now have ::marker to do the same thing and it’s a little easier to work with. Why am I not using it? I prefer to have control of the spacing between interpuncts and the text and I just don’t get that with ::marker. But that’s just me!

Now it’s your turn

Alright, I shared what I add to all of my Tailwind projects, so now it’s your turn. What do you add to Tailwind in your projects? Is there something you can’t do without? Let me know in the comments! I’d love ideas to start incorporating into other projects.

The post The Things I Add to Tailwind CSS Right Out of the Box appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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source https://css-tricks.com/custom-tailwind-css/

Friday, February 26, 2021

An Interactive Guide to CSS Transitions

A wonderful post by Josh that both introduces CSS transitions and covers the nuances for using them effectively. I like the advice about transitioning the position of an element, leaving the original space it occupied alone so it doesn’t result in what he calls “doom flicker.” Six hundred and fifty years ago I created CSS Jitter Man to attempt to explain that idea.

The interactive stuff is really neat and helps explain the concepts. I’m a little jealous that Josh writes in MDX — meaning he’s got Markdown and JSX at his disposal. That means these demos can be little one-off React components. Here’s a thread that Josh did showing off how valuable that can be.

Direct Link to ArticlePermalink

The post An Interactive Guide to CSS Transitions appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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source https://www.joshwcomeau.com/animation/css-transitions/

Ensuring the correct vertical position of large text

Tobi Reif notes how the position of custom fonts set at very large font sizes can be super different, even in the same browser across operating systems. The solution? Well, you know how there are certain CSS properties that only work within @font-face blocks? They are called “descriptors” and font-display is a popular example. There are more that are less-supported, like ascent-override, descent-override, and line-gap-override. Chrome supports them, and lo-and-behold, they can be used to fix this issue.

I really like the idea that these can be used to override the “metrics” of local (fallback) fonts to match a custom font you will load, so that, when it does, there’s little-to-no-movement. I detest FOUT (I know it’s theoretically good for performance), but I can swallow it if the text swap doesn’t move crap around so much.

Direct Link to ArticlePermalink

The post Ensuring the correct vertical position of large text appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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source https://tobireif.com/posts/ensuring_the_correct_vertical_position_of_large_text/

How We Improved the Accessibility of Our Single Page App Menu

I recently started working on a Progressive Web App (PWA) for a client with my team. We’re using React with client-side routing via React Router, and one of the first elements that we made was the main menu. Menus are a key component of any site or app. That’s really how folks get around, so making it accessible was a super high priority for the team.

But in the process, we learned that making an accessible main menu in a PWA isn’t as obvious as it might sound. I thought I’d share some of those lessons with you and how we overcame them.

As far as requirements go, we wanted a menu that users could not only navigate using a mouse, but using a keyboard as well, the acceptance criteria being that a user should be able to tab through the top-level menu items, and the sub-menu items that would otherwise only be visible if a user with a mouse hovered over a top-level menu item. And, of course, we wanted a focus ring to follow the elements that have focus.

The first thing we had to do was update the existing CSS that was set up to reveal a sub-menu when a top-level menu item is hovered. We were previously using the visibility property, changing between visible and hidden on the parent container’s hovered state. This works fine for mouse users, but for keyboard users, focus doesn’t automatically move to an element that is set to visibility: hidden (the same applies for elements that are given display: none). So we removed the visibility property, and instead used a very large negative position value:

.menu-item {
  position: relative;

.sub-menu {
  position: absolute
  left: -100000px; /* Kicking off  the page instead of hiding visiblity */

.menu-item:hover .sub-menu {
  left: 0;

This works perfectly fine for mouse users. But for keyboard users, the sub menu still wasn’t visible even though focus was within that sub menu! In order to make the sub-menu visible when an element within it has focus, we needed to make use of :focus and :focus-within on the parent container:

.menu-item {
  position: relative;

.sub-menu {
  position: absolute
  left: -100000px;

.menu-item:hover .sub-menu,
.menu-item:focus .sub-menu,
.menu-item:focus-within .sub-menu {
  left: 0;

This updated code allows the the sub-menus to appear as each of the links within that menu gets focus. As soon as focus moves to the next sub menu, the first one hides, and the second becomes visible. Perfect! We considered this task complete, so a pull request was created and it was merged into the main branch.

But then we used the menu ourselves the next day in staging to create another page and ran into a problem. Upon selecting a menu item—regardless of whether it’s a click or a tab—the menu itself wouldn’t hide. Mouse users would have to click off to the side in some white space to clear the focus, and keyboard users were completely stuck! They couldn’t hit the esc key to clear focus, nor any other key combination. Instead, keyboard users would have to press the tab key enough times to move the focus through the menu and onto another element that didn’t cause a large drop down to obscure their view.

The reason the menu would stay visible is because the selected menu item retained focus. Client-side routing in a Single Page Application (SPA) means that only a part of the page will update; there isn’t a full page reload.

There was another issue we noticed: it was difficult for a keyboard user to use our “Jump to Content” link. Web users typically expect that pressing the tab key once will highlight a “Jump to Content” link, but our menu implementation broke that. We had to come up with a pattern to effectively replicate the “focus clearing” that browsers would otherwise give us for free on a full page reload.

The first option we tried was the easiest: Add an onClick prop to React Router’s Link component, calling document.activeElement.blur() when a link in the menu is selected:

const Menu = () => {
  const clearFocus = () => {

  return (
    <ul className="menu">
      <li className="menu-item">
        <Link to="/" onClick={clearFocus}>Home</Link>
      <li className="menu-item">
        <Link to="/products" onClick={clearFocus}>Products</Link>
        <ul className="sub-menu">
            <Link to="/products/tops" onClick={clearFocus}>Tops</Link>
            <Link to="/products/bottoms" onClick={clearFocus}>Bottoms</Link>
            <Link to="/products/accessories" onClick={clearFocus}>Accessories</Link>

This approach worked well for “closing” the menu after an item is clicked. However, if a keyboard user pressed the tab key after selecting one of the menu links, then the next link would become focused. As mentioned earlier, pressing the tab key after a navigation event would ideally focus on the “Jump to Content” link first.

At this point, we knew we were going to have to programmatically force focus to another element, preferably one that’s high up in the DOM. That way, when a user starts tabbing after a navigation event, they’ll arrive at or near the top of the page, similiar to a full page reload, making it much easier to access the jump link.

We initially tried to force focus on the <body> element itself, but this didn’t work as the body isn’t something the user can interact with. There wasn’t a way for it to receive focus.

The next idea was to force focus on the logo in the header, as this itself is just a link back to the home page and can receive focus. However, in this particular case, the logo was below the “Jump To Content” link in the DOM, which means that a user would have to shift + tab to get to it. No good.

We finally decided that we had to render an interact-able element, for example, an anchor element, in the DOM, at a point that’s above than the “Jump to Content” link. This new anchor element would be styled so that it’s invisible and that users are unable to focus on it using “normal” web interactions (i.e. it’s taken out of the normal tab flow). When a user selects a menu item, focus would be programmatically forced to this new anchor element, which means that pressing tab again would focus directly on the “Jump to Content” link. It also meant that the sub-menu would immediately hide itself once a menu item is selected.

const App = () => {
  const focusResetRef = React.useRef();

  const handleResetFocus = () => {

  return (
      >Focus Reset</a>
      <a href="#main" className="jump-to-content-a11y-styles">Jump To Content</a>
      <Menu onSelectMenuItem={handleResetFocus} />

Some notes of this new “Focus Reset” anchor element:

  • href is set to javascript:void(0) so that if a user manages to interact with the element, nothing actually happens. For example, if a user presses the return key immediately after selecting a menu item, that will trigger the interaction. In that instance, we don’t want the page to do anything, or the URL to change.
  • tabIndex is set to -1 so that a user can’t “normally” move focus to this element. It also means that the first time a user presses the tab key upon loading a page, this element won’t be focused, but the “Jump To Content” link instead.
  • style simply moves the element out of the viewport. Setting to position: fixed ensures it’s taken out of the document flow, so there isn’t any vertical space allocated to the element
  • aria-hidden tells screen readers that this element isn’t important, so don’t announce it to users

But we figured we could improve this even further! Let’s imagine we have a mega menu, and the menu doesn’t hide automatically when a mouse user clicks a link. That’s going to cause frustration. A user will have to precisely move their mouse to a section of the page that doesn’t contain the menu in order to clear the :hover state, and therefore allow the menu to close.

What we need is to “force clear” the hover state. We can do that with the help of React and a clearHover class:

// Menu.jsx
const Menu = (props) => {
  const { onSelectMenuItem } = props;
  const [clearHover, setClearHover] = React.useState(false);

  const closeMenu= () => {

  React.useEffect(() => {
    let timeout;
    if (clearHover) {
      timeout = setTimeout(() => {
      }, 0); // Adjust this timeout to suit the applications' needs
    return () => clearTimeout(timeout);
  }, [clearHover]);

  return (
    <ul className={`menu ${clearHover ? "clearHover" : ""}`}>
      <li className="menu-item">
        <Link to="/" onClick={closeMenu}>Home</Link>
      <li className="menu-item">
        <Link to="/products" onClick={closeMenu}>Products</Link>
        <ul className="sub-menu">
          {/* Sub Menu Items */}

This updated code hides the menu immediately when a menu item is clicked. It also hides immediately when a keyboard user selects a menu item. Pressing the tab key after selecting a navigation link moves the focus to the “Jump to Content” link.

At this point, our team had updated the menu component to a point where we were super happy. Both keyboard and mouse users get a consistent experience, and that experience follows what a browser does by default for a full page reload.

Our actual implementation is slightly different than the example here so we could use the pattern on other projects. We put it into a React Context, with the Provider set to wrap the Header component, and the Focus Reset element being automatically added just before the Provider’s children. That way, the element is placed before the “Jump to Content” link in the DOM hierarchy. It also allows us to access the focus reset function with a simple hook, instead of having to prop drill it.

We have created a Code Sandbox that allows you to play with the three different solutions we covered here. You’ll definitely see the pain points of the earlier implementation, and then see how much better the end result feels!

We would love to hear feedback on this implementation! We think it’s going to work well, but it hasn’t been released to in the wild yet, so we don’t have definitive data or user feedback. We’re certainly not a11y experts, just doing our best with what we do know, and are very open and willing to learn more on the topic.

The post How We Improved the Accessibility of Our Single Page App Menu appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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source https://css-tricks.com/how-we-improved-the-accessibility-of-our-single-page-app-menu/

Boost app engagement with chat, voice, and video APIs

Sendbird is a service for helping you add social features to your app. Wanna add in-app chat? Sendbird does that. Wanna add in-app voice or video calls? Sendbird does that.

Here’s how I always think about stuff like this. Whatever the thing you are building is, you should specialize in the core of it, and not get bogged down in building essentially another product as you’re doing it. Say you want to build an app for dentists to do bookings and customer management. Please do, by the way, my dentist could really use it. You’ve got a lot of work ahead of you, the core of which is building a thing that is perfect for actual dentists and getting the UX right. In-app chat might be an important part of that, but you aren’t specifically building chat software, you’re building dentist software. Lean on Sendbird for the chat (and everything else).

To elaborate on the dentist software example for a bit, I can tell you more about my dentist. They are so eager to text me, email me, call me, even use social media, to remind me about everything constantly. But for me to communicate with them, I have to call. It’s the only way to talk to them about anything—and it’s obnoxious. If there was a dentist in town where I knew I could fire up a quick digital chat with them to book things, I’d literally switch dentists. Even better if I could click a button in a browser to call them or do a video consult. That’s just good business.

You know what else? Your new app for dentists (seriously, you should do this) is going to have to be compliant on a million standards for any dentist to buy it. This means any software you buy will need to be too. Good thing Sendbird is all set with HIPPA/HITECH, SOC 2, GDPR, and more, not to mention being hugely security-focused.

Sendbird aren’t spring chickens either, they are already trusted by Reddit, Virgin UAE, Yahoo, Meetup, and tons more.

Chat is tricky stuff, too. It’s not just a simple as shuffling a message off to another user and displaying it. Modern chat offers things like reactions, replies, and notifications. Chat needs to be friendly to poor networks and offline situations. Harder still, moderating chat activity and social control like blocking and reporting. Not only does Sendbird help with all that, their UIKit will help you build the interface as well.

Build it with Sendbird, and it’ll scale forever.

Sendbird’s client base gave us confidence that they would be able to handle our traffic and projected growth. ”

Ben Celibicic, CTO

Modern apps have modern users that expect these sort of features.

The post Boost app engagement with chat, voice, and video APIs appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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source https://css-tricks.com/boost-app-engagement-with-chat-voice-and-video-apis/

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Teaching Web Dev for Free is Good Business

It feels like a trend (and a smart one) for tech platforms to invest in really high-quality learning material for their platform. Let’s have a gander.

Webflow University

Surely Webflow is thinking: if people invest in learning Webflow, they’ll be able to build what they need for themselves and their clients in Weblow, and they’ll stick around and be a good customer.

Jamstack Explorers

Surely Netlify is thinking: if people really grok Jamstack, they’ll build their existing and future sites using it. They’ll get comfortable using Netlify’s features to solve their problems, and they’ll stick around and be a good customer.

Salesforce Trailhead

Surely Salesforce is thinking: if we train people to learn Salesforce and build Salesforce-specific software, not only will they be a good customer, but they’ll bring more customers to us and help big companies stay good customers.

Figma Crash Course

This is not created by Figma themselves, but by Pablo Stanley, who must be thinking: I can teach people to use Figma, and along the way show them how cool and powerful Blush is, which will gain Blush good customers.

Apollo Odyssey

Surely Apollo is thinking: if y’all know GraphQL, and learned it in the context of Apollo, you probably continue using Apollo and bring it to the teams you’re on, which might make for great customers.

WP Courses 

This one is an outlier because these are paid courses, but my guess is that Automattic is thinking: there is already a ton of WordPress learning material out there, why not leverage our brand and deep expertise to make content people are willing to pay for.

Git Tutorials & Training

Surely Atlassian is thinking: if we are the place where people literally learned Git, we can sprinkle in our tooling into those lessons, and you’ll use those tools for your Git workflow, which will follow you through your entire developer career. Not to mention this is good SEO juice.

GitHub does the same thing.

Helping your customers learn your platform is certainly not a new concept. The word “webinar” exists after all. It’s a funny word, but effective. For example, AWS Marketplace sponsors CodePen emails sometimes with the idea of getting people to attend webinars about certain technologies. Wanna learn about Apache Kafka? You can do that for free coming up Thursday, February 25th. Surely AWS is thinking if people learn how this technology works, they’ll use AWS and AWS Marketplace partners to spin it up when they get to using it.

Cypress publishes their webinars. Appcues publishes their webinars. It’s not rare.

What feels a new here is the idea of packaging up learning material on a microsite with a fancy design and making it feel in-line with modern learning platforms. Like you are going to some expensive code school, except you’re getting it for free.

I’m a fan of all this. It’s good marketing for companies. It’s a good learning opportunity for everyone else. It’s also very biased. Learning materials you get directly from companies is going to tell you all about how great the technology of that company is. You should know that going in, if it’s isn’t obvious.

I’m also a fan—perhaps an even bigger fan—of paying for high-quality learning material. Our learning partner, Frontend Masters, has no particular bias to technology because you’re their customer. If they help you, they succeed and you succeed as well.

The post Teaching Web Dev for Free is Good Business appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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source https://css-tricks.com/teaching-web-dev-for-free-is-good-business/

A DRY Approach to Color Themes in CSS

The other day, Florens Verschelde asked about defining dark mode styles for both a class and a media query, without repeat CSS custom properties declarations. I had run into this issue in the past but hadn’t come up with a proper solution.

What we want is to avoid redefining—and thus repeating—custom properties when switching between light and dark modes. That’s the goal of DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) programming, but the typical pattern for switching themes is usually something like this:

:root {
  --background: #fff;
  --text-color: #0f1031;
  /* etc. */

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  :root {
    --background: #0f1031;
    --text-color: #fff;
    /* etc. */

See what I mean? Sure, it might not seem like a big deal in an abbreviated example like this, but imagine juggling dozens of custom properties at a time—that’s a lot of duplication!

Then I remembered Lea Verou’s trick using --var: ;, and while it didn’t hit me at first, I found a way to make it work: not with var(--light-value, var(--dark-value)) or some nested combination like that, but by using both side by side!

Certainly, someone smarter must have discovered this before me, but I haven‘t heard of leveraging (or rather abusing) CSS custom properties to achieve this. Without further ado, here’s the idea:

--color: var(--light, orchid) var(--dark, rebeccapurple);

If the --light value is set to initial, the fallback will be used (orchid), which means --dark should be set to a whitespace character (which is a valid value), making the final computed value look like this:

--color: orchid  ; /* Note the additional whitespace */

Conversely, if --light is set to a whitespace and --dark to initial, we end up with a computed value of:

--color:   rebeccapurple; /* Again, note the whitespace */

Now, this is great but we do need to define the --light and --dark custom properties, based on the context. The user can have a system preference in place (either light or dark), or can have toggled the website‘s theme with some UI element. Just like Florens‘s example, we’ll define these three cases, with some minor readability enhancement that Lea proposed using “on” and “off” constants to make it easier to understand at a glance:

:root { 
  /* Thanks Lea Verou! */
  --ON: initial;
  --OFF: ;

/* Light theme is on by default */
.theme-light {
  --light: var(--ON);
  --dark: var(--OFF);

/* Dark theme is off by default */
.theme-dark {
  --light: var(--OFF);
  --dark: var(--ON);

/* If user prefers dark, then that's what they'll get */
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  .theme-default {
    --light: var(--OFF);
    --dark: var(--ON);

We can then set up all of our theme variables in a single declaration, without repetition. In this example, the theme-* classes are set to the html element, so we can use :root as a selector, as many people like to do, but you could set them on the body, if the cascading nature of the custom properties makes more sense that way:

:root {
  --text: var(--light, black) var(--dark, white);
  --bg: var(--light, orchid) var(--dark, rebeccapurple);

And to use them, we use var() with built-in fallbacks, because we like being careful:

body {
  color: var(--text, navy);
  background-color: var(--bg, lightgray);

Hopefully you’re already starting to see the benefit here. Instead of defining and switching armloads of custom properties, we’re dealing with two and setting all the others just once on :root. That’s a huge improvement from where we started.

Even DRYer with pre-processors

If you were to show me this following line of code out of context, I’d certainly be confused because a color is a single value, not two!

--text: var(--light, black) var(--dark, white);

That’s why I prefer to abstract things a bit. We can set up a function with our favorite pre-processor, which is Sass in my case. If we keep our code above defining our --light and --dark values in various contexts, we need to make a change only on the actual custom property declaration. Let’s create a light-dark function that returns the CSS syntax for us:

@function light-dark($light, $dark) {
  @return var(--light, #{ $light }) var(--dark, #{ $dark });

And we’d use it like this:

:root {
   --text: #{ light-dark(black, white) };
   --bg: #{ light-dark(orchid, rebeccapurple) };
   --accent: #{ light-dark(#6d386b, #b399cc) };

You’ll notice there are interpolation delimiters #{ … } around the function call. Without these, Sass would output the code as is (like a vanilla CSS function). You can play around with various implementations of this but the syntax complexity is up to your tastes.

How’s that for a much DRYer codebase?

More than one theme? No problem!

You could potentially do this with more than two modes. The more themes you add, the more complex it becomes to manage, but the point is that it is possible! We add another theme set of ON or OFF variables, and set an extra variable in the list of values.

.theme-pride {
  --light: var(--OFF);
  --dark: var(--OFF);
  --pride: var(--ON);

:root {
    var(--light, black)
    var(--dark, white)
    var(--pride, #ff8c00)
  ; /* Line breaks are absolutely valid */

  /* Other variables to declare… */

Is this hacky? Yes, it absolutely is. Is this a great use case for potential, not-yet-existing CSS booleans? Well, that’s the dream.

How about you? Is this something you’ve figured out with a different approach? Share it in the comments!

The post A DRY Approach to Color Themes in CSS appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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source https://css-tricks.com/a-dry-approach-to-color-themes-in-css/


A wonderful collection of little layout-related CSS snippets from Stephanie Eckles that serves both as a quick reference and a reminder of how straightforward and powerful CSS has become.

Random things to note!

  • The resizeable containers aren’t some JavaScript library. They are just <div>s with resize: horizontal; and overflow: auto; (although there is a nice little lib for that that displays current width output).
  • Each demo can be opened on CodePen, which is the prefill API at work.
  • CSS custom properties are tastefully sprinkled throughout in a way that makes it more understandable instead of less understandable.
  • The dark mode doesn’t go super duper dark, but fairly dark blues and purples. That’s a good reminder that dark mode isn’t gray/black mode. It remembers your setting, but does have flash-of-light-mode, which is the boss-mode problem with color preferences. I think you need server-side tech to really get it perfect.
  • The whole site is open source. Go Eleventy!

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source https://smolcss.dev/

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Hiding Content Responsibly

We’ve covered the idea of hiding things in CSS many times here, the most recent post being Marko Ilic’s “Comparing Various Ways to Hide Things in CSS” which did a nice job of comparing different techniques which you’d use in different situations. Hugo “Kitty” Giraudel has done something similar in “Hiding Content Responsibly” which looks at 10 methods—and even those, you could say, aren’t totally comprehensive.

Does this mean CSS is messy and incomprehensible? Nah. I feel like all the methods are logical, have good use cases, and result in good outcomes. Allow me to do a have a pretend conversation walking through my thought process here.

I need to hide this thing completely. For everyone.

No problem, that’s what the aria-hidden attribute is for.

I need to hide this thing, but only hide it for screen readers, not visually. (For example, an icon that has no additional meaning for screen readers, as there is an accessible label nearby.)

No problem, use display: none;.

I need to hide this thing, but only visually, not for screen readers. (For example, the contents of non-active tabs.)

No problem, use a .sr-only class. That leaves it accessible but hides it visually until you remove that class.

Oops, I actually want to hide this thing visually, but I still want it to take up physical space, not collapse. (For example, say a button has a loading spinner icon that is only needed when performing an action. The size of the button should factor in the size of that icon all the time, not just when the spinner is visible. That way, there’s no layout shifting when that icon comes and goes.)

No problem, use transform: scale(0) which will visually collapse it, but the original space will remain, and will leave it accessible to screen readers.

Oh nice, I could transition the transform, too, I suppose. But actually, that transition doesn’t fit my site well. I just want something I can fade out and fade in.

The opacity property is transitional, so transition that between 0 and 1 for fades. The good news is that visibility is also transitional. When fading out, use visibility: hidden, and when fading in, use visibility: visible to hide and unhide the thing from screen readers.

That’s not entirely comprehensive, but I find that covers 95% of hiding cases.

The post Hiding Content Responsibly appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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source https://css-tricks.com/hiding-content-responsibly/

What’s the Backup Plan for Your WordPress Site?

Of all the reasons we love and use Jetpack for CSS-Tricks—a poster child WordPress site—is that we can sleep easy at night knowing we have real-time backups running with Jetpack Backup. That way, no matter what, everything that makes this site tick, from all the template files to every single word we’ve ever typed, is always a click away from being restored if we need it for any reason at all.

There’s really no question whether or not you should be backing up your WordPress site. You absolutely should. It’s sort of like being prepared for an earthquake: you know it could happen at any time, so you want to make sure you’ve got all the tooling in place to keep things safe, not if, but when it happens.

What’s your backup plan? For us, it’s logging into WordPress.com, locating which backup to use, and clicking a button to restore things to that point in time. That’s all the files of course, like WordPress itself, the theme, and plugins, but also the entire database and all the media files.

Another reason we love Jetpack Backup? It provides a complete activity log of all the changes that happen on the site. It’s one thing to have your site backed up and be able to restore it. It’s another to know what caused the issue in the first place.

Jetpack Backup offers two plans one for daily backups and the other for real-time backups. We’ve got real-time running around here and that’s a great option for large sites that are updated often, like e-commerce. Most sites can probably get away with daily backups instead.

That leads to another wonderful thing: Jetpack Backup is sold à la carte. That means you can just get backups if that’s all you want from Jetpack. And, hey, if you find yourself needing more from Jetpack, like all the stuff we use it for here, then that rich feature set is just a couple of clicks away.

Not sure what your WordPress backup plan is? You really ought to check out Jetpack Backup. It works extremely well for us and we can’t recommend it enough.

True Story

While working on a bit of content for @css across team members, I noticed some of what I had written had disappeared. It got saved over by accident. I forgot to turn on “Revisions” for this Custom Post Type (it was a newsletter, which we write in WordPress).

It was tempting to be like, “Oh well, I’m a dummy, I’ll just have to remember and re-write it.” But no! I have Jetpack real-time backups on this site. I was able to find the exact moment I made my changes and download a copy of the site at that moment.

I didn’t need to restore the site to that point, just what I had written. So, I loaded up the wp_posts table from the SQL dump in that backup, plucked out my writing, and put it back in place.

And of course, I enabled revisions for that Custom Post Type so it won’t happen again.

Not only is that a true story, but this is a Jetpack double-whammy, because I “unrolled” that Twitter thread right here in WordPress via a Jetpack feature.

The post What’s the Backup Plan for Your WordPress Site? appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.

source https://css-tricks.com/whats-the-backup-plan-for-your-wordpress-site/

React Component Tests for Humans

React component tests should be interesting, straightforward, and easy for a human to build and maintain.

Yet, the current state of the testing library ecosystem is not sufficient to motivate developers to write consistent JavaScript tests for React components. Testing React components—and the DOM in general—often require some kind of higher-level wrapper around popular testing frameworks like Jest or Mocha.

Here’s the problem

Writing component tests with the tools available today is boring, and even when you get to writing them, it takes lots of hassle. Expressing test logic following a jQuery-like style (chaining) is confusing. It doesn’t jive with how React components are usually built.

The Enzyme code below is readable, but a bit too bulky because it uses too many words to express something that is ultimately simple markup.


The DOM representation is just this:

<div className="view technologies">
  <button className="small">Back</button>

What if you need to test heavier components? While the syntax is still bearable, it doesn’t help your brain grasp the structure and logic. Reading and writing several tests like this is bound to wear you out—it certainly wears me out. That’s because React components follow certain principles to generate HTML code at the end. Tests that express the same principles, on the other hand, are not straightforward. Simply using JavaScript chaining won’t help in the long run.

There are two main issues with testing in React:

  • How to even approach writing tests specifically for components
  • How to avoid all the unnecessary noise

Let’s further expand those before jumping into the real examples.

Approaching React component tests

A simple React component may look like this:

function Welcome(props) {
  return <h1>Hello, {props.name}</h1>;

This is a function that accepts a props object and returns a DOM node using the JSX syntax.

Since a component can be represented by a function, it is all about testing functions. We need to account for arguments and how they influence the returned result. Applying that logic to React components, the focus in the tests should be on setting up props and testing for the DOM rendered in the UI. Since user actions like mouseover, click, typing, etc. may also lead to UI changes, you will need to find a way to programmatically trigger those too.

Hiding the unnecessary noise in tests

Tests require a certain level of readability achieved by both slimming the wording down and following a certain pattern to describe each scenario.

Component tests flow through three phases:

  1. Preparation (setup): The component props are prepared.
  2. Render (action): The component needs to render its DOM to the UI before either triggering any actions on it or testing for certain texts and attributes. That’s when actions can be programmatically triggered.
  3. Validation (verify): The expectations are set, verifying certain side effects over the component markup.

Here is an example:

it("should click a large button", () => {
  // 1️⃣ Preparation
  // Prepare component props
  props.size = "large";

  // 2️⃣ Render
  // Render the Button's DOM and click on it
  const component = mount(<Button {...props}>Send</Button>);
  simulate(component, { type: "click" });

  // 3️⃣ Validation
  // Verify a .clicked class is added 
  expect(component, "to have class", "clicked");

For simpler tests, the phases can merge:

it("should render with a custom text", () => {
  // Mixing up all three phases into a single expect() call
    // 1️⃣ Preparation
    // 2️⃣ Render
    "when mounted",
    // 3️⃣ Validation
    "to have text", 

Writing component tests today

Those two examples above look logical but are anything but trivial. Most of the testing tools do not provide such a level of abstraction, so we have to handle it ourselves. Perhaps the code below looks more familiar.

it("should display the technologies view", () => {
  const container = document.createElement("div");
  act(() => {
    ReactDOM.render(<ProfileCard {...props} />, container);
  const button = container.querySelector("button");
  act(() => {
    button.dispatchEvent(new window.MouseEvent("click", { bubbles: true }));
  const details = container.querySelector(".details");
  expect(details.querySelector("h3").textContent, "to be", "Technologies");
  expect(details.querySelector("button").textContent, "to be", "View Bio");

Compare that with the same test, only with an added layer of abstraction:

it("should display the technologies view", () => {
  const component = mount(<ProfileCard {...props} />);

  simulate(component, {
    type: "click",
    target: "button",

    "queried for first",
    "to exhaustively satisfy",
    <div className="details technologies">
        <button>View Bio</button>

It does look much better. Less code, obvious flow, and more DOM instead of JavaScript. This is not a fiction test, but something you can achieve with UnexpectedJS today.

The following section is a deep dive into testing React components without getting too deep into UnexpectedJS. Its documentation more than does the job. Instead, we’ll focus on usage, examples, and possibilities.

Writing React Tests with UnexpectedJS

UnexpectedJS is an extensible assertion toolkit compatible with all test frameworks. It can be extended with plugins, and some of those plugins are used in the test project below. Probably the best thing about this library is the handy syntax it provides to describe component test cases in React.

The example: A Profile Card component

The subject of the tests is a Profile card component.

A card component where the persons name, photo, and number of posts are displayed to the left in a single column with a light red background, and the bio is displayed on the right in paragraph form with a title against a white background.

And here is the full component code of ProfileCard.js:

// ProfileCard.js
export default function ProfileCard({
  data: {
    isOnline = false,
    bio = "",
    location = "",
    technologies = [],
}) {
  const [isBioVisible, setIsBioVisible] = useState(true);

  const handleBioVisibility = () => {
    if (typeof onViewChange === "function") {

  return (
    <div className="ProfileCard">
      <div className="avatar">
        <i className="photo" />
        <span>{posts} posts</span>
        <i className={`status ${isOnline ? "online" : "offline"}`} />
      <div className={`details ${isBioVisible ? "bio" : "technologies"}`}>
        {isBioVisible ? (
            <p>{bio !== "" ? bio : "No bio provided yet"}</p>
              <button onClick={handleBioVisibility}>View Skills</button>
              <p className="joined">Joined: {creationDate}</p>
        ) : (
            {technologies.length > 0 && (
                {technologies.map((item, index) => (
                  <li key={index}>{item}</li>
              <button onClick={handleBioVisibility}>View Bio</button>
              {!!location && <p className="location">Location: {location}</p>}

We will work with the component’s desktop version. You can read more about device-driven code split in React but note that testing mobile components is still pretty straightforward.

Setting up the example project

Not all tests are covered in this article, but we will certainly look at the most interesting ones. If you want to follow along, view this component in the browser, or check all its tests, go ahead and clone the GitHub repo.

## 1. Clone the project:
git clone git@github.com:moubi/profile-card.git

## 2. Navigate to the project folder:
cd profile-card

## 3. Install the dependencies:

## 4. Start and view the component in the browser:
yarn start

## 5. Run the tests:
yarn test

Here’s how the <ProfileCard /> component and UnexpectedJS tests are structured once the project has spun up:

  └── /components
      ├── /ProfileCard
      |   ├── ProfileCard.js
      |   ├── ProfileCard.scss
      |   └── ProfileCard.test.js
      └── /test-utils
           └── unexpected-react.js

Component tests

Let’s take a look at some of the component tests. These are located in src/components/ProfileCard/ProfileCard.test.js. Note how each test is organized by the three phases we covered earlier.

  1. Setting up required component props for each test.
beforeEach(() => {
  props = {
    data: {
      name: "Justin Case",
      posts: 45,
      creationDate: "01.01.2021",

Before each test, a props object with the required <ProfileCard /> props is composed, where props.data contains the minimum info for the component to render.

  1. Render with a default set of props.

This test checks the whole DOM produced by the component when passing name, posts, and creationDate fields.

Here’s what the result produces in the UI:

And here’s the test case for it:

it("should render default", () => {
  // "to exhaustively satisfy" ensures all classes/attributes are also matching
    <ProfileCard {...props} />,
    "when mounted",
    "to exhaustively satisfy",
    <div className="ProfileCard">
      <div className="avatar">
        <h2>Justin Case</h2>
        <i className="photo" />
        <span>45{" posts"}</span>
        <i className="status offline" />
      <div className="details bio">
        <p>No bio provided yet</p>
          <button>View Skills</button>
          <p className="joined">{"Joined: "}01.01.2021</p>
  1. Render with status online.

Now we check if the profile renders with the “online” status icon.

And the test case for that:

it("should display online icon", () => {
  // Set the isOnline prop
  props.data.isOnline = true;

  // The minimum to test for is the presence of the .online class
    <ProfileCard {...props} />,
    "when mounted",
    "queried for first",
    "to have class",
  1. Render with bio text.

<ProfileCard /> accepts any arbitrary string for its bio.

So, let’s write a test case for that:

it("should display online icon", () => {
  // Set the isOnline prop
  props.data.isOnline = true;

  // The minimum to test for is the presence of the .online class
    <ProfileCard {...props} />,
    "when mounted",
    "queried for first",
    "to have class",
  1. Render “Technologies” view with an empty list.

Clicking on the “View Skills” link should switch to a list of technologies for this user. If no data is passed, then the list should be empty.

Here’s that test case:

it("should display the technologies view", () => {
  // Mount <ProfileCard /> and obtain a ref
  const component = mount(<ProfileCard {...props} />);

  // Simulate a click on the button element ("View Skills" link)
  simulate(component, {
    type: "click",
    target: "button",

  // Check if the .details element contains the technologies view
    "queried for first",
    "to exhaustively satisfy",
    <div className="details technologies">
        <button>View Bio</button>
  1. Render a list of technologies.

If a list of technologies is passed, it will display in the UI when clicking on the “View Skills” link.

Yep, another test case:

it("should display list of technologies", () => {
  // Set the list of technologies
  props.data.technologies = ["JavaScript", "React", "NodeJs"];
  // Mount ProfileCard and obtain a ref
  const component = mount(<ProfileCard {...props} />);

  // Simulate a click on the button element ("View Skills" link)
  simulate(component, {
    type: "click",
    target: "button",

  // Check if the list of technologies is present and matches prop values
    "queried for first",
    ".technologies ul",
    "to exhaustively satisfy",
  1. Render a user location.

That information should render in the DOM only if it was provided as a prop.

The test case:

it("should display location", () => {
  // Set the location 
  props.data.location = "Copenhagen, Denmark";

  // Mount <ProfileCard /> and obtain a ref
  const component = mount(<ProfileCard {...props} />);
  // Simulate a click on the button element ("View Skills" link)
  // Location render only as part of the Technologies view
  simulate(component, {
    type: "click",
    target: "button",

  // Check if the location string matches the prop value
    "queried for first",
    "to have text",
    "Location: Copenhagen, Denmark"
  1. Calling a callback when switching views.

This test does not compare DOM nodes but does check if a function prop passed to <ProfileCard /> is executed with the correct argument when switching between the Bio and Technologies views.

it("should call onViewChange prop", () => {
  // Create a function stub (dummy)
  props.data.onViewChange = sinon.stub();
  // Mount ProfileCard and obtain a ref
  const component = mount(<ProfileCard {...props} />);

  // Simulate a click on the button element ("View Skills" link)
  simulate(component, {
    type: "click",
    target: "button",

  // Check if the stub function prop is called with false value for isBioVisible
  // isBioVisible is part of the component's local state
    "to have a call exhaustively satisfying",

Running all the tests

Now, all of the tests for <ProfileCard /> can be executed with a simple command:

yarn test

Notice that tests are grouped. There are two independent tests and two groups of tests for each of the <ProfileCard /> views—bio and technologies. Grouping makes test suites easier to follow and is a nice way to organize logically-related UI units.

Some final words

Again, this is meant to be a fairly simple example of how to approach React component tests. The essence is to look at components as simple functions that accept props and return a DOM. From that point on, choosing a testing library should be based on the usefulness of the tools it provides for handling component renders and DOM comparisons. UnexpectedJS happens to be very good at that in my experience.

What should be your next steps? Look at the GitHub project and give it a try if you haven’t already! Check all the tests in ProfileCard.test.js and perhaps try to write a few of your own. You can also look at src/test-utils/unexpected-react.js which is a simple helper function exporting features from the third-party testing libraries.

And lastly, here are a few additional resources I’d suggest checking out to dig even deeper into React component testing:

The post React Component Tests for Humans appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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source https://css-tricks.com/react-component-tests-for-humans/