
Tuesday, June 2, 2020

How to Remove or Hide Atom Links in Your Blogger Blog

Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) together with Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) links appear just below all your blog posts. And, your blog readers can subscribe to your Atom feeds using your Atom links in your blog.

However, some if not most bloggers prefer FeedBurner or other alternatives like FeedBlitz, FeedCat, RapidFeeds, and Feedity (read the full list at 15 Great FeedBurner Alternatives). So if you want to remove them to make your blog clean and to save space here's how you are going to do it. But before we get started Backup/Restore your Blogger template first:
Go to Blogger dashboard > Select The Blog you Need to Backup > Backup/Restore > Download Theme Window Opens > Click Download Theme > Save To Your Preferred Location.

Remove Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)

1. Go to Blogger dashboard > Theme > Edit HTML > CTRL+F to display the search field then search and delete this line:
<b:include data='feedLinks' name='feedLinksBody'/>

2. Click "Save Theme".
Remove Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom)

1. Go to Blogger dashboard > Theme > Edit HTML > CTRL+F to display the search field then search and delete this line:

<b:include cond='data:post.allowComments and data:post.feedLinks' data='post.feedLinks' name='feedLinksBody'/>

2. Click "Save Theme".
Remove Atom Links in Your Blogger Template

1. Go to Blogger dashboard > Theme > Edit HTML> CTRL+F to display the search field then search and delete these lines:
<div class='feed-links'> <data:feedLinksMsg/> <b:loop values='data:links' var='f'> <a class='feed-link' expr:href='data:f.url' expr:type='data:f.mimeType' target='_blank'><data:f.name/> (<data:f.feedType/>)</a> </b:loop> </div>

2. Click "Save Theme".
Hiding All Links Using CSS

Or if you don't want to delete the above codes. You can hide all of them by just adding a CSS code.

1. Go to your Blogger dashboard > Theme > Customize > Advanced > Add CSS > Copy the below CSS code and paste it inside Add custom CSS area > Apply to Blog
.feed-links {display:none !important;}

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