
Friday, August 27, 2021

Using Testcontainers to Generate jOOQ Code

Database first is at the core of jOOQ’s design. jOOQ has been made primarily for classic systems the database is always there and always has been and will never leave. This is because we think “data have mass”

This not only translates to moving logic closer to the data (see our previous posts about the cost of JDBC round trips or generating vendor agnostic procedural logic), but also avoiding moving data around between migrations (e.g. of RDBMS products).

Compared to how “heavy” data is, applications and UIs come and go. Speaking of go, maybe you’ll replace all of your Java code tomorrow for some go code. But you will keep the database if it isn’t trivial.

With this in mind, jOOQ assumes you have a pre-existing schema, which you mange with Flyway or Liquibase, and then you use jOOQ to reverse engineer your updated schema using the code generator.

The old days

In the old days, setting up an Oracle instance was very heavy, and also hard. I remember working at a company where we had shared development and test instances. The schema was always in flux. We couldn’t assume a stable dev version.

As such, pointing the jOOQ code generator towards a live database used to be a bit of a challenge, which is why jOOQ offers alternative, connection-free code generation modes, including:

  • The JPADatabase, if you have a pre-existing JPA entity based meta model.
  • The XMLDatabase, if you have some form of XML version of your schema, which you can XSL transform to jOOQ’s format
  • The DDLDatabase, which can interpret your DDL scripts, e.g. the ones you pass to Flyway, or the ones produced by pg_dump.
  • The LiquibaseDatabase, which simulates a Liquibase database migration and uses the simulated database output as a source for meta information of the code generator

But all of the above have the same limitation. You can’t really use many vendor-specific features, such as advanced stored procedures, data types, etc.

A modern approach using testcontainers

Ideally, unless you’re supporting several RDBMS products (most people don’t), you should work only with your production database product, say PostgreSQL.

Thanks to testcontainers.org, it’s very easy to programmatically, or configuratively, start up a PostgreSQL instance of any version in a Docker container. If you have a SQL script that contains your database, you can supply it to the testcontainers JDBC URL, e.g. like this:


For more information, see their docs about JDBC support. Now, add the testcontainers dependency on your project classpath, e.g.


And use the ContainerDatabaseDriver instead of the actual PostgreSQL driver for your code generation configuration in jOOQ, e.g. when using Maven:





    <!-- Junit seems a transitive dependency of testcontainers? -->

As simple as that! Check out the jOOQ-testcontainers-example for a runnable example that uses testcontainers for code generation using the above approach.

A real world example would be using again Flyway or Liquibase, etc. to apply a complete database migration to your PostgreSQL instance inside of testcontainers, prior to generating code and/or running your integration tests.

To learn more about testcontainers, see our interview with Richard North here.

from Java, SQL and jOOQ. https://ift.tt/2UR3D1F

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