
Friday, November 5, 2021

Introducing Svelte, and Comparing Svelte with React and Vue

Josh Collingsworth is clearly a big fan of Svelte, so while this is a fun and useful comparison article, it’s here to crown Svelte the winner all the way through.

A few things I find compelling:

One of the things I like most about Svelte is its HTML-first philosophy. With few exceptions, Svelte code is entirely browser-readable HTML and JavaScript. In fact, technically, you could call Svelte code as a small superset of HTML.


Svelte is reactive by default. This means when a variable is reassigned, every place it’s used or referenced also updates automatically. (React and Vue both require you to explicitly initialize reactive variables.)

I do find the component format nice to look at, like how you just write HTML. You don’t even need a <template> around it, or to return anything. I imagine Astro took inspiration from this in how you can also just chuck a <style> tag in there and scope styles if you want. But I think I prefer how the “fenced” JavaScript at the top only runs during the build by default.

P.S. I really like Josh’s header/footer random square motif so I tried to reverse engineer it:

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source https://css-tricks.com/introducing-svelte-and-comparing-svelte-with-react-and-vue/

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