
Thursday, May 26, 2022

Customizing Color Fonts on the Web

Myles C. Maxfield on the WebKit Blog published a nifty how-to for color fonts. It comes on the heels of what Ollie wrote up here on CSS-Tricks the other day, and while they cover a lot of common ground, there’s some nice nuggets in the WebKit post that make them both worth reading.

Case in point: there’s a little progressive enhancement in there using @supports for older browsers lacking support the font-palette property. Then the post gets into a strategy that shows the property’s light and dark values at play to make the font more legible in certain contexts. There’s also a clever idea about how creating multiple @font-palette-values blocks with the same name can be used for fallbacks.

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Customizing Color Fonts on the Web originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

source https://css-tricks.com/customizing-color-fonts-on-the-web/

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